会議名:DNA29 (東北大学) DNA29 - Tohoku University, Sendai
DNA reaction system that acquires the classical conditioning
Masato Toyonari [ 1], Kaori Aso [ 1], Tom F. A. de Greef [ 2], Takashi Nakakuki [
[1] Department of Intelligent and Control Systems, Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of T ech nology
[2] Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Institute for Complex Molecular Systems and Computationa
l Biology Group, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology
High-pass Filter Gate: New Operation Principle of DNA Circuits
Tatsuhiro Saitoh, Kaori Aso, Tom de Greef, and Takashi NakakukiDepartment of Intelligent and Control Systems, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Novel design of DNA feedback regulator towards an experimental feasibility
Chika Muranaka, Kaori Aso, and Takashi Nakakuki
Kyushu Institute of Technology