古賀啓太郎さん(M2)が,国際会議SICE Annual Conference 2021において,Organized Session: Molecular Cybernetics/Robotics & Synthetic/Systems Biology(2021年9月9日(木) )にて口頭発表を行いました。
SICE Annual Conference 2021は計測自動制御学会が主催する国際会議です。当初は,東京での実施予定でしたが,新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響によりオンライン形式にて行われました。なお,発表に際して,査読付国際会議論文が採択されています。
K. Koga, T. Nakakuki, New Approach to Frequency Response Analysis of Biomolecular Circuits, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference (SICE2021), Tokyo (online), Sep, 2021.
Abstract: In this study, we propose a new approach to the frequency response analysis of biomolecular circuits. We consider the following biomolecular circuit: an enzyme-free DNA reaction system that utilizes DNA strand displacement reactions. Because biomolecular circuits are nonlinear in nature, it is generally difficult to apply linear control theory without linearization. In a class of DNA circuits, the DNA strands in the reaction system can be divided into two groups: fuel strands and signal strands. Herein, we show that frequency response analysis is applicable by transforming the original nonlinear model into a two-time-scale model. The novelty of our method is demonstrated by using two practical examples.